Regional Good Governance Public-Private Partnership Platform (R2G4P)


From 2021 to 2023, R2G4P spearheaded a comprehensive set of initiatives and approaches promoting good governance across Southeast Europe. R2G4P fostered inclusive dialogue, strengthened regional networks, and championed anti-corruption initiatives. The platform identified and analyzed pressing governance issues, such as the nexus between corruption, state capture, and national security, public procurement integrity, the (mis)management of state-owned enterprises, the need for robust asset declaration checks, and the perils of political pressure and bias in budgetary allocation at central and local level. In particular, R2G4P:

  • utilized innovative diagnostic methodologies and tools, including, big data analytics, and corruption risk assessments. 
  • engaged in 27 rounds of Monitoring Anti-Corruption Policy Implementation (MACPI) implementation, empowering public bodies with analyses of the effectiveness of their internal anti-corruption measures, and establishing a culture of continuous policy improvement. 
  • embarked on a comprehensive capacity-building program
  • extended its reach and impact by forging strategic partnerships with a wide array of stakeholders, including international organizations, government bodies, and civil society groups, including the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Chief Prosecutor’s Office, Europol, local authorities from the SEE region, anti-corruption and integrity agencies, Norwegian and other EU and SEE embassies, the European Investment Bank, OECD-Sigma, UNCAC, UNODC, the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative, RACVIAC, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN). 

R2G4P’s unwavering commitment to combating corruption was further exemplified by submitting joint statements and recommendations to the CoSP10 (2023) and the Rule of Law Reports for 2023 and 2024. The platform’s message resonated far and wide, reaching a substantial audience through direct engagement and extensive media coverage. Going forward, R2G4P remains steadfast in its mission to support good governance reforms in SEE. The platform will continue to provide technical support to public bodies, update national anti-corruption strategies, and collaborate with the EPPO and other EU and national bodies to strengthen sanctioning mechanisms through criminal law. 

The theory of change of the R2G4P initiative

R2G4P in numbers 

Increased capacity and better understanding of corruption risks

  • 4 trainings and 3 summer schools 
  • 3 training manuals 
  • 322 civil society and public sector representatives trained 

Shared anti-corruption solutions 

  • 3 SEE Good Governance Reports
  • 2 policy briefs 
  • 3 policy forums, 1 Closing Summit, and 3 webinars with policy-makers  
  • 33 meetings between CSOs and policy-makers
  • 250 civil society organizations engaged 
  • 776 participants at all events and trainings 
  • 2,969 people reached and engaged directly 

Better accountability of public institutions

  • 27 rounds of MACPI in 9 countries 

Media coverage

  • 1 million people reached through conventional and social media 

The R2G4P SEE Good Governance Reports 

The panelists at the R2G4P Closing Summit, held on 9 November 2023 in Sofia (Hristo Ivanov, MP, Former Bulgarian Minister of Justice; Ute Stiegel, Deputy Head, Legal Affairs and Anti-Corruption Unit, Directorate for International and Horizontal Affairs, Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission; Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy; Laura Kovesi, European Chief Prosecutor; Dr. Nikolay Denkov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ssssiri Beate Barry, Ambassador of Norway to Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova; Michel Sapin, Former French Minister of Finance,; Lilyana Pavlova, Vice-President, European Investment Bank)


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