Strategic partnerships for building a democratic society in Europe


The “Reclaim Our Civil Space!” project was brought to life to counter the trends of democratic backsliding experienced in recent years and to create a flourishing civic space across Europe. We equip civil society organizations and activists with skills and tools to defend themselves. We help them strengthen communities of active citizens and participate in public matters. We build their capacities and create cross-border networking and cooperation.

But countering shrinking civic space needs a systematic approach, and we believe that the voice of civil society needs to reach the European level. Therefore, we went to Prague with our partners to state our case and present the idea of a comprehensive European Civil Society Strategy to the Czech EU Presidency and representatives of the European institutions.

The conference “Strategic partnerships for building a democratic society in Europe” was organized by our project’s Czech partner Nadace Partnerství, and Czech NGOs Glopolis and Spiralis. Its main goal was to convince decision makers that the issue of civil society needs to be on the agenda of the European Commission for next year.

We want to make the EU listen: civil society organizations strengthen democracy, protect human rights and support vulnerable groups. They are natural allies of EU institutions and the value civil society represents should be protected by European Institutions. And for that we need your help!

Share your ideas with us! We have drafted a set of recommendations and we need your contribution to it! Help us improve it with your comments and let’s build a thriving civic space together!

Read and comment on the strategy here!


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