Assessment of trans-boundary groundwater resources in two pilots: Latvia-Estonia and Poland-Ukraine borderline


We are proud to present you the first EU-WATERRES output – report Assessment of the resources of transboundary groundwater reservoirs for the two pilot areas. The report consists of tree major parts. First, the knowledge of international laws about management of transboundary areas with the emphasis of bilateral agreements (also harmonization of glossary and commonly used terms) between neighbouring countries in two pilots – Ukrainian-Polish and Latvian-Estonian borders. Second and third, the assessment of transboundary resources in two pilot areas starting from transboundary area delineation (“working area”), assessment of hydrogeological and geochemical conditions, to development of conceptual models to be used as a basis for further modelling studies, including pressure analysis (e.g., abstraction, clime change) and future scenarios modelling.

The report has been developed by EU-WATERRES project consortium and reviewed by invited Advisory board members. The report is an output for WP3 – “Harmonization of transboundary groundwater monitoring” lead by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre.


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